If a picture is worth a thousand words…

If a picture is worth a thousand words...

I look at this photo and I see all of my weaknesses. I see that my jaw should’ve been more relaxed, that my hair is not doing what I would like, that my cuts are not as fierce as they should be because I’m bulking, that my tan is patchy under my arms. I see every single flaw.

When you look at yourself this way you have to realize that it is healthy and good to make a conscious effort to redirect how you think about yourself.

Change how you think. You have the power to do that. Redirect your thoughts. I adjust, and I review, and I see this:

I see firm legs, a toned tummy, growing muscle in my arms where there was none.
I see a tight booty and a healthy shape.

I see dedication, drive, the mom of a one year old who has beaten herself into the ground to accomplish her dreams. Left her soul on the gym floor… every. single. time.

I see hope and perseverance, hour after hour in the gym building those legs, raising that ass with every single rep of my squats and a million donkey kicks.

I see arms that are strong from lifting heavy weight and from the everyday burden of a 30-lb child and the weight of the world on her shoulders.

I see courage in that face, some blue steel intensity that says “I can do this” every time.

I see every blow of life that knocked me down and every muscle, both mental and physical that helped pick me back up.

I see tears, sweat, fear, faith, hope, perseverance, a survivor. I see someone who’s scrappy and intense and passionate and alive. Someone who fights for joy and love and pours her soul into her friends, into strangers, into life.

I see growth and change and improvement and potential, I see beauty and dedication, and in these rare moments when I strive to put my mind to it,

I see me.


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